We are betting
on the future
of energetics
Residing in Prague, we trade electricity online on European futures and spot markets.
We treat data
like gold
Big data is useless without a thorough analysis. Only a unique combination of the human element and full automation, artificial intelligence and algorithmic trading can tackle the highly complex European trading process.
True potential of algorithms
Our algorithms can examine live data on the performance of wind turbines or solar panels, fluctuating weather patterns, data on energy demand and prices. They can make the whole process faster, the results more accurate and at a lower cost than a trader made of flesh and bone. However, some extraordinary situations still need to be assessed hand in hand with a uniquely human experience.
The human element
The ability to analyze the situation rapidly and make a decision is crucial in our industry. We build on innovative and intense cooperation between analysts, traders and developers. We continuously reflect the current situation on the markets, which is affected by the weather, fluctuations in electricity consumption and production or market sentiment.
The energy exchange never sleeps
Trading on the energy exchange takes place several days or even hours before its actual use. We trade 365 days a year on eight energy markets at once.
What poker unites, nothing divides
We spent our entire lives making a living out of working with probability. This is the ideal basis for successful trading and optimization. Most of us have been through poker and previously worked as traders or data analysts in prominent positions. Top-level poker has strengthened our analytical thinking, mental resilience and trained us to make quick decisions in uncertain and risky situations.
We like to work in a startup atmosphere and excessive bureaucracy, rigid processes or omnipresent micromanagement have no place in our culture. We consider personal freedom, creativity and responsibility stepping stones for a strong and confident company. We aim to allow each member of our team to fully use their potential.
Adam Kubát
Member of the board
Václav Kešner
Member of the board
Contact us! It takes 1,6 watt-hours
Leave us a message and you will consume approximately 1,6 watt-hours. That will cover your physical energy and the energy consumption of the device on which you do so.